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The Fed Tapers, So What?

The Fed Tapers, So What?

There are a lot of projections flying around right now as to when the Fed is going to start tapering. Why should you care and what do your clients need to know.
What Could You Do With $254,000 ?

What Could You Do With $254,000 ?

The economy is ready to blast off, ditch the masks outside, equity for most is up and Colorado has comparatively low property taxes....
Denver Market Trends | April 2021

Denver Market Trends | April 2021

With inventory dropping below 2,000, this storyline will not get reconciled so easily. The hope for more inventory this spring is still hanging on, but March typically defines the turning point when supply starts to satiate.
Defending Denver’s Appreciation

Defending Denver’s Appreciation

Why I Disagree with Westword and CoreLogic CoreLogic released a report this week that Westword quoted and everyone is talking about. CoreLogic estimated Denver to lose 10% by Spring of…

Denver Market Trends | May 2020

Denver Market Trends | May 2020

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