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First Time Home Buyers are Crushing the Market

First Time Homebuyers are Double Higher for longer interest rates, rising home prices, and what feels like no "good" inventory has made buying a home for anyone tough, especially first time home buyers with no departing primary equity to lean…

13 Reasons The Housing Market Remains Strong

Just The Facts Ma'am Buyers are entering into a time when they have an incredible advantage.  But it doesn't feel good.  It feels unaffordable and even unsafe.  I've had a number of real estate agents reach out asking .. how…

Rates Could and Probably Should Bounce Back Up

Only Time Will Tell We’ve been talking about this CPI report (November report on October data) on our weekly market updates for months now.  In fact, there may not be another future installment of economic data that we've ever focused…

Job Numbers Shock The Market

A Little Holiday, A Little Savings Making A Big Impact Jobless Claims, ADP Jobs, NFP Jobs, Unemployment… busy and confusing Friday.  Unemployment increased by .1% to 3.7%; mostly due to household jobs numbers going down by 328,000, mostly 45-54 year…

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