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Building An Investment Empire

Building an Investment Empire

As an owner of 24 rentals and the proud Mom of 3 Under 25-year old first-time home buyers, it is my personal mission to support as many people as I…

Building An Investment Empire

Building an Investment Empire

As an owner of 24 rentals and the proud Mom of 3 Under 25-year old first-time home buyers, it is my personal mission to support as many people as I…

Cash-Out Refinance

A cash-out refinance is a type of mortgage refinance that allows homeowners to take out a new mortgage for more than their existing mortgage balance, and then receive the difference…

VA Loan Refinance Options

If you have already used your VA loan, you may still benefit from working with a lender to get better terms. Called “refinancing,” this process is similar to the home…

Job Numbers Shock The Market

Job Numbers Shock The Market

A Little Holiday, A Little Savings Making A Big Impact Jobless Claims, ADP Jobs, NFP Jobs, Unemployment… busy and confusing Friday.  Unemployment increased by .1% to 3.7%; mostly due to…

It’s Gonna Get Worse Before It Gets Better

It’s Gonna Get Worse Before It Gets Better

People in Colorado are turning to Google to search "are we in a housing crash". Unfortunately, the click bait articles are getting attention. There are plenty of reasons I do not think the housing market will crash. And, 2 new reports just came out supporting it even more.
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